George Zimmerman is a punk.
He is. Deal with it.
A jury of his "peers" decided that based on the evidence presented in court that Zimmernator was "not guilty" of 1st or 2nd degree murder as well as manslaughter.
Except that he killed an unarmed teenager. That is not in question. That is not in doubt. At no time since the night of February 26, 2012 has the statement "George Zimmerman killed Trayvon Martin" been anything less than a fact.
Now, I really don't have a problem with him not being convicted for 1st or 2nd degree. Maybe he is guilty of it, maybe not, but there really isn't enough evidence to reach those conclusions. The audio is insufficient since nobody can even agree on who is who. Zimmerman is the only person (alive) that saw the event (or at least, nobody else came forward).
So no, I don't think that was a mistake. The system is supposed to protect people from unfair convictions and the state couldn't prove its case.
But then there is manslaughter.
That one gets tricky. Even the jury requested clarification on how that works. This is where I'm upset.
Now, the case could be made (and was, presumably) that it wasn't manslaughter and was truly self-defense. But I don't buy it. George Zimmerman killed Trayvon Martin. George Zimmerman followed Martin around. Zimmerman had a gun. Zimmerman ignored direct orders to cease and desist. Zimmerman chose to confront Martin.
And then, after unclear events, George Zimmerman killed Trayvon Martin.
These are facts. There is no doubt that Zimmerman CHOSE to carry a weapon that he used to shoot and kill Trayvon. There is no doubt that Zimmerman CHOSE to ignore warnings given to him by police.
All Zimmerman had to do was wait in, or at least by, his vehicle until police arrived. That's it.
No, instead, he chose to act in a manner that in the best case scenario, caused a 17-year-old to attack him. He poked the bear under those circumstances.
Worst case, he confronted Martin in such a manner that Martin perhaps feared for his safety and attempted to stand his own ground.
Regardless of whether he poked the bear or outright punched the bear in the face, Zimmerman's unnecessary actions resulted in Martin's death. George Zimmerman killed Trayvon Martin.
But the fucker won't be punished by the state for it. Because our court system, often held to be the "best in the world", is a game that savvy lawyers play. A system that increasingly becomes more complicated by added nuanced laws and redefinitions and unintended loopholes. A system created by humans who can't even agree on what actually constitutes fairness. Zimmerman had the extremely fortunate luck to fall into some nice fitting vague legal concepts that made it all but impossible to convict him of anything.
But the court system is not to blame. Nor are the idiotic laws written by idiotic politicians. And the inanimate objects like the gun and the hoodie... they are not at fault here.
There is one person to blame. Only one person. The person that killed Trayvon Martin. George Zimmerman.
Like I said, Zimmerman is a punk. He's a wannabe cop with delusions of grandeur who was just looking for a chance to show what a badass he (thinks) he is. And he got it. Except that it went horribly wrong. Somehow, he got the shit kicked out of him by a scrawny teenager and then pulled out his gun and shot the same scrawny teenager. Punk.
And somehow, some folks make him into the victim. Fucking bullshit. He inserted himself into a situation where his actions were reckless and unwarranted. He carried around a gun because he wanted to play hero. George Zimmerman killed Trayvon Martin because Zimmerman is a useless punk. He's no victim... Trayvon Martin is the victim.
By all accounts, Martin was minding his own business. There was nothing to indicate a crime or impending crime. Zimmerman has received far more leeway for why he killed Trayvon Martin than Martin received from Zimmerman for WALKING THROUGH A FUCKING APARTMENT COMPLEX.
Now, while Zimmerman won't be in prison, he'll still be punished. He has a target on his back. He now has to worry about, ironically, vigilante style justice. He should perhaps fear a scenario where he is confronted by someone, out of view of witnesses, with no one to corroborate, and is then killed in self-defense.
I mean, he has a history of carrying a gun and killing a person. If I saw him on the street and he looked at me, who is to say I don't feel threatened? Who is to say he didn't follow me into a secluded poorly lit alley with the intent on hurting or killing me because he thought I was suspicious? He has a history of carrying a gun. Made me nervous. He wouldn't leave me alone. I was scared. So I killed him... in self-defense.
Personally, I don't care what happens to the fucker at this point. As long as he stays away from me and mine.
But damn... he had better watch his back because there are a whole lot of people who DO care what happens to him.
Maybe he and Casey Anthony can start hanging out together in unknown locations.