Thursday, October 3, 2013


I'm not sure I actually have much to say about the "Government Shutdown." Let's find out as bullet point my randomly expressed thoughts:
  • To the government employees not getting paid. That sucks.
  • To all the people bitching about it - shut the fuck up. All of you morons that keep voting for these people need to just shut it. You empower these fucktards and in turn cause the country to become more and more reliant on the government for existence. You played the "whose party can squeeze our balls the hardest" and this is ultimately the end result.
  • To the Republicans - you have reached a new low... and short of actual violence on citizens, I'm not sure you can get much  lower. Hey, I don't like Obamacare either, but rather than using the typical and usually safer political ploy of waiting for the legislation you hate to fail after being enacted, you took the stupid bus down to Dumbass Town and let a fringe group of your party that might be too ridiculous for a Monty Python Election Night Special paint you into a corner... and then shit in the corner. Ted "Cuban-Canadian-American" Cruz managed to lead what amounts to a coup that has no plan, solutions, or brains and allowed him and his playmates to make you all look like asshole villains. Guess what, the Tea Party does not represent a) the majority of Americans and probably not even b) the majority of Republicans. They have peaked. There is no chance that anybody screaming Tea Party propaganda will ever inhabit the White House and you would be wise to tell them to get the fuck out. If they believe they have the backing, let 'em start their own completely separate party. Meanwhile, the last few rational members of your party are throwing their hands in the air. The GOP needs a massive house cleaning or you will become irrelevant by the end of the decade.
  • To the Democrats - while the Republicans can be blamed directly for the actual shutdown, you fucks have plenty to accept blame for your own damn selves. As petty and uncooperative as the GOP has been, you have actually been worse by publicly admitting you have no interest in discussing anything until the GOP gives in to EVERYTHING YOU DEMAND. So yeah, in the face of that, why not just one up you on the shitbag-o-meter and take the option that doesn't give you anything. What the fuck did you expect... "Give us everything or... um... oh... wait... I guess you'll choose the other option which is to not do that and shut down the government." You ramrodded a healthcare plan down our throats that nobody knows for sure how it's going to turn out (which usually means you spent zero time on possible consequences which will rear their ugly heads at some point). But hey, that's cool. You so badly want to be seen as saviors of everybody in your largely undefined and ever changing "poor" class that you will just come up with some bullshit that sounds awesome in much the same way that a five-year-old draws a picture of a white guy and a black guy holding hands and thinks this will somehow end racism.Also, see my second point as you are primarily responsible for that.
Hey folks, just keep on voting for these turds. Eventually, you'll have a government that doesn't do anything at all... but those tools will still get paid. And don't start the asinine "Vote 'em out" nonsense. Because we all know that all that really means is that you'll replace the idiot in office now with either an idiot from the same party's candidate pool or an idiot from the opposing party's candidate pool. That is pointless. That's like deciding that eating your poodle's shit is gross and expecting your German shepherd's crap to be an improvement.