I'm gonna make this real simple.
Every time an American of dark skin pigmentation with ancestral ties to the African continent defends Michael Vick using the argument that "It was just dogs, not people. They aren't more important than people. They were his property he can do what he wants with 'em" they should be reminded of the history.
It wasn't that long ago that Americans of light skin pigmentation with ancestral ties to Europe argued in defense of slavery that "They're just negroes, not white folk. They aren't even fully human... more like animals. They are property and we can do with them as we wish."
Am I comparing slaves to dogs? No, dumbass. I'm comparing sentient creatures that can feel pain that were brutalized, tortured, and killed because some other asshole believed these creatures to be little more than property, like a table or a frying pan. Slaves felt physical and psychological pain due to their treatment by their "owners". Dogs feel physical and psychological pain due to their treatment by their "owners."
So, you pieces of shit, shut the fuck up. Or don't expect me to feel sorry for you because (maybe) some of your ancestors were slaves. Pain is pain and it doesn't matter if you have 2 legs or 4.