Saturday, October 20, 2012

Hey Fuckers: Episode 1

Hey Fucker in the Obama T-shirt... you aren't allowed to complain that the only voter registration forms we have are in Spanish. All the English ones were taken by people who didn't wait until 2 1/2 weeks before the election to register. And most of those people who "need" the ones in Spanish are supporting your guy.

Hey Fuckers... it's a LIBRARY, not a PHONE BOOTH. Hang up the goddamn phone when you are inside. Jesus, you people are fucking rude and selfish.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


I might start punching people who are immersed in the Pink Culture. The Susan G. Komen Mafia is similar to the Catholic Church: A "nonprofit" money making juggernaut that has brainwashed a bunch of people into thinking they are actually good for the human race. And they like to bully other groups that try to use the color pink in their breast cancer awareness and fundraising attempts. Yeah, Komen thinks they own the color pink.

Fuck you, SGK.

Seriously, every year we have to be bombarded with this pink bullshit under the guise of "raising awareness." Is there anybody in the Northern Hemisphere that isn't "aware" of breast cancer at this point? Do we really need pink power tools and pink Hamburger Helper* to make people realize the dangers of breast cancer? Breast Cancer is probably the most famous cancer in the universe. Hell, it might even be the most famous disease in the universe.

It's a money making machine more concerned with power and branding than actually finding a "cure." Good god, at this point, if they found a cure for breast cancer, what would Komen actually do? Raise awareness of the cure? Would they still be able to raise all that money? If not, how would Nancy Brinker afford more plastic surgery?

* I don't know if there is pink Hamburger Helper. It's the first ludicrous pink tie-in I could think of. Well, actually, I thought about pink Twinkies first, but that didn't seem stupid enough.

Wendy Wilson

I remain unconvinced that Wendy Williams is actually a woman and not a man in drag. Also, her theme song might be one of the most annoying sounds ever created.