Today, it's the idiots.
I've starting staying away from Facebook more and more because I'm tired of blocking content from Fucknut Tea Party Panic sites and Fucknut Progressive Liberal Whine sites. Most recently, it's the Mother-of-all dumbass left wing FB pages, "Being Liberal." If there was ever a more naive, head-in-the-clouds group of morons, I haven't run across it. These fucktards are your one stop shopping source for pro-government-give-us-shit-because-we-deserve-it-for-simply-existing ideology. Rich people are scum, unskilled morons should make buttloads of money, and everybody has a right to a happy ending.
The latest affront to intelligence by these Pollyanna Kool-Aid drinkers is that Healthcare is a "Human Right." This is tied to Obamacare, of course, because Obamacare is the most awesome piece of legislation ever passed by the US Government and it was done by Liberal Democrats who are way more awesome humans that Republicans because they believe that everybody is entitled to a long healthy life with plenty of money and a fucking unicorn to ride to Candyland.
Here's the thing about "rights"... if something relies on another human being to make it happen, then it isn't a "right." Rights can be taken away, but they cannot be given (otherwise, how is it a right?)
Healthcare is provided by other people. If you get sick, there isn't a magic cure that just pops into existence and makes you better. You, at best, have to go to the store to get some medicine that required many different people, some highly skilled with lots of education, to get that into your hands. And these people were not forced to provide this medication for you. These people were paid or compensated each step of the way.
Had these people not worked together, the medicine you needed would (presumably) not been available to you. Now expand on that idea. If there were no doctors and no hospitals and no pharmacies not even a witch doctor... who would provide your healthcare? Oh, wait... someone has to give that to you? Yeahhhhhh.... see... that's not a "right."
The Declaration of Independence lists "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" as unalienable rights... things that cannot be given and should not be taken away. Granted, "life" is technically given to you by your parents, but in this case, it refers to "somebody else killing you." And liberty... you are either free to do something or somebody takes that away, same with the whole "pursuit of happiness" thing.
Do you understand? DO YOU!?!??!?
Life isn't fair and you can't get everything you want, even if it's something that you think should be a basic requirement of life.
And just for the record, here are some other things that aren't human rights:
- a high paying job
- a house
- a vacation
- education
- a full stomach
- a pension
- unemployment benefits
- to be a dick to other people by telling them they can't do something because your religion says it's bad
Fuck off.